Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Carpe Diem Poems Essays
Carpe Diem Poems Essays Carpe Diem Poems Paper Carpe Diem Poems Paper Essay Topic: Poetry Carpe Diem Poetry Literally means pluck the day( pull flowers) Gather moments in life like you would flowers Moments dont last long; floor cut off from roots die soon Origins Attributed to the Ancient Roman poet Horace, 65 B.C.E Composed a book of poems entitled Odes What is the original purpose of language: to woo women woo means to convince or persuade; in the Renaissance the purpose of a carpe diem open was to persuade a young woman to make love. Other approaches to carpe diem encourage the reader to transcend the mundane, recognize the power of each moment, however brief, and value possibility for as long as possibility exists Academy of American Poets Gather ye rosebuds while ye may: carpe diem Old Time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, :helios is god of sun The higher hes a-getting, (represents when you are young) The sooner will his race be run, ( the sun is setting- you are getting older) And nearer hes to setting. That age is best which is the first, When youth and blood are warmer; ( It is better to be young, but also you get older time will get worst) But being spent, the worse, and worst Times still succeed the former. Then be not coy, but use your time, ( trying to convince the women to get married) And while ye may, go marry; For having lost but once your prime, You may forever tarry. ( you wont have any prospects). He is trying to woo the woman into sleeping with him No, only to sleep with her He is saying that she is going to get old and ugly, so she should have fun while she is pretty Kind of logical If they had enough time he would court her forever, but they dont so they should make love now. Had we but world enough and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime. We would sit down, and think which way To walk, and pass our long loves day. Thou by the Indian Ganges side Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide Of Humber would complain. I would Love you ten years before the flood, And you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze; Two hundred to adore each breast, But thirty thousand to the rest; An age at least to every part, And the last age should show your heart. For, lady, you deserve this state, Nor would I love at lower rate. But at my back I always hear Times wingà ¨d chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found; Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing song; then worms shall try That long-preserved virginity, And your quaint honour turn to dust, And into ashes all my lust; The graves a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace. Now therefore, while the youthful hue Sits on thy skin like morning dew, And while thy willing soul transpires At every pore with instant fires, Now let us sport us while we may, And now, like amorous birds of prey, Rather at once our time devour Than languish in his slow-chapped power. Let us roll all our strength and all Our sweetness up into one ball, And tear our pleasures with rough strife Through the iron gates of life: Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. 1. The rivers represent the infinite amount of space and timed 2. Infinite amount of time: example of hyperbole Vegetative love, fecund flourishing Love at the level of sensation rather than reason and emotion, which should characterize human love. Eyes= windows of the soul Forehead= intellect Does not care about brain Apollo= god of sun that drives his chariot across the heavens each day Desserts, dust, ashes= death Worms will take your virginity if you die a virgin No and Nor complete the pattern of negation of life found in these lines Dead people cannot embrace Now is repeated to drive home meaning Images suggest that youth is warm, moist, and transitory ( represents youth) The birds of prey and ball that penetrates the iron gate are violent images
Saturday, November 23, 2019
What is Geography
What is Geography Free Online Research Papers What geography is: Geography is about countries and lands. We study about countries all over the world. There are three kind of geographical descriptions. These are human geography, physical geography and environmental geography. All about Latitude and Longitude: Longitude and latitude is a system of lines used to find the location of any place, on the surface of the earth. Lines of latitude run in an east-west direction. Lines of longitude run in a north-south direction. The prime meridian is the imaginary line which goes across the earth. The meridian runs from the north pole to the south pole. The prime meridian runs through the Greenwich Observatory in London. There are 5 lines of latitude running through the earth. The Artic Circle, the Tropic of Cancer , the Tropic of Capricorn , the Antarctic Circle , and finally the most important one is the Equator. About maps and grid references: A map shows you the world. There are different kinds of maps. On a map different things are coloured in so you know whatââ¬â¢s what. On a map you can see where you are if youââ¬â¢re lost. Here are some examples of different kinds of maps: World Maps Park Maps Europe Map School Maps Country Maps Shopping Center Maps County Maps Tourist Maps Settlement maps GPS Navigation System Grid references help you find any place on a map. There are two kinds of grid references. Normal grid references and six figure grid references. The imaginary lines are shown on the maps so you can find stuff. The little squares on the map are numbered , so in the index whatever the places number is you can find it very easily. On most of the maps there is a scale about the length of the roads. There are also lots of keys what let you know about shops and things. This is how you use grid references and maps. Things about settlements: A settlement is where people live. It could be a hamlet, village, town or city. Settlements are built on different sites. A site is the land where the settlement is built on. In a settlement there are lots of dwellings, but it depends how big the settlement is. A dwelling is where people live (House or flat). Before you choose a settlement you have to look at the factors of the settlement. There are good factors and poor factors. If you choose a settlement it shouldnââ¬â¢t have many poor factors, because it would have many faults while you live there. The way settlements grow: All the settlements have grown a lot since the older times. More people come to the area and settle down to live. The people can come for work and all sorts of stuff. Lots of people make families and have children and so on, and so onâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ The settlement hierarchy shows you how many settlements there are. Here is an example for one: The settlement hierarchy shows you how many types of settlements there are and how many of them. The bigger the settlement is the less there is. Research Papers on What is GeographyAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2PETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraWhere Wild and West MeetCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyResearch Process Part One
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critical Review about Postgraduate Research Methods Essay
Critical Review about Postgraduate Research Methods - Essay Example The author defined the glass ceiling as those artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified individuals from advancing upward in their organization into management-level positions. Since the feminist movement gained power since the late sixties of the twentieth century the women began to think that they should gain the power and authority among the men community. As a result they from the very beginning women placed themselves to the other side of the discussion. Nowadays women are trying to prove their self-dependence, putting aside the case of that they had begun this confrontation. To show the relevance of the problem, the author shows some statistic data about salary inequities between women and men. She asks following questions: Why are women still paid substantially less than men are Why does the glass ceiling stay in place And why does much of the popular press do its best to paint a rosy picture of job prospects for women The main purpose of Brenda's research was to identify factors that support and perpetuate the glass ceiling for women in public relations and corporate communications management. The author points out, that many researchers in management have attempted to isolate factors contributing to sex segregation and sex discrimination. After analysis of their work she made a conclusion that the body of knowledge is contributed in two very important ways: First, it highlights the need for research about women, research frequently marginalized in both the academic and business arenas. Second, it has begun to suggest factors that create and maintain the glass ceiling in corporate public relations and communications. The author describes in details research problem and its reflection in literature. The research project assumes the glass ceiling as an important area for further study for several reasons that are enumerated by the author. Feminization of the field means that although women make up more than half of the U.S. population their representation in management in public relations and many other fields is a much smaller percentage. The author points out that this limits opportunities for women and the organizations that could benefit from their contributions. Vrenda emphasizes that women in public relations have difficulty being treated equally in terms of advancement and salary. She looks at nature of today's business climate and remarks that the pressure on organizations to practice public relations as more of a two-way communication process becomes even more urgent. The author suggests the following points for consideration: 1: Do women in corporate public relations and communications management perceive a glass ceiling to be in place 2: What factors do women think help to create or maintain the glass ceiling for women in public relations and communications 3: What strategies are there for women in public relations and communications who want to work to eliminate the glass ceiling These are the main questions of the research. In the research the author used qualitative methods because, as the author explained it, the factors contributing to the glass ceiling have not yet been clearly delineated. The study used focus groups (one pretest and two subsequent focus groups) and depth interviews (a total of 10 interviews). Nevertheless, the author uses statistic to show the tendency of nowadays situation in case that groups are too small to show off the full idea. That is reasonable because
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Theoretical Foundation in instructional technology Research Paper
Theoretical Foundation in instructional technology - Research Paper Example This suggests technology materials are of the essence in order to instructional technology method a feasible project. Alternatively, the design and processes should not make it hard for facilitators to dispense knowledge to their students because it leads to wastage of both time and resources. In other words, the technology should have efficiency during use without incurring extra costs during learning. There are different ways in which the quote by James Gee & Elizabeth Hayes applies to the context constructivism learning theory, behaviorism learning theory and inquiry learning theory. Therefore, in constructivism learning theory in adult online learners, they use different methodologies to meet its goals. For example, adult learners are expected to interact more with their environment in order to acquire knowledge on different aspects of online learning. This is because the methodology improves on both critical and analytical skills of the student. In the same aspect, in the constr uctivism learning theory, there is an application of computer games instead of the conventional materials in traditional education (Wagner & Ip, 2008). However, the utilization of such technology requires competent teachers who are can impart knowledge to both adult and young learners. Another fundamental prospect of integrating the theory into online learning is the ability to attain, high realistic enactment, which is made live by computers. On the other hand, there is the John B Watson/ Behaviorism learning theory whereby behavior has an attachment to an external influence such as an environment. This may be through association or some of form of reinforcement. Therefore, in terms of online learning, adult learners may not adjust effectively to computer based education. There are several reasons to explain the scenario in the context of both comprehension and retention. For instance, adult learners were formally used to the traditional mode of education hence the transition to on line learning may prove hard (Chow, et al 2010). They also lack a consistent will to adapt to a new environment that has its influence from an association from other students. This suggests that while adults may have the inner desire to use the online platforms, the conventional background prevents them from faster adaptation. Additionally, adult learners also have special needs and requirements that may prove hard for most incompetent teachers without proper training. It is noteworthy, therefore, to introduce other learning methods in the form of stimulating activities and environments to spur the learners to critical and analytical thinking. These also entail exercises, computer games and simulations in order to trigger the interest of the student in educational matters. Furthermore, through the behaviorism learning theory, teachers will help students in the transfer of knowledge in order to boost retention. Apart from the above theories, there is also the inquiry learning theory founded by Jerome Bruner in 1961. Therefore, here the student uses the available materials to develop analytical and experimental skills instead of the knowledge possessed from school. On that perspective, when learners use online methods they are expected to use their external and internal environments to integrate knowledge. Alternatively, to make such form of knowledge acquisition applicable for students, it is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
To His Coy Mistress Essay Example for Free
To His Coy Mistress Essay ââ¬Å"To his coy Mistressâ⬠is poem written by Andrew Marvell, and this is one of his best poems ever. Author used Carpe Diem, very interesting style of writing poetry. In this poem he describes his life and how he wanted a more time with special woman. ââ¬Å"To his importunate Mistressâ⬠is poem which is written by Peter de Vries. He also in his poem used many things that are like in Marvellââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"To his coy Mistress. The first sentence is same in both poem, so many writers considered that his story is copy of the Marvellââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"To his coy Mistressâ⬠. The first poem has three stanzas, and we can see that author in this poem want tell us that all he wants is more time to him and his love. The major role in this poem has woman, who is more or less young, and an old man. In the first stanza the old man describes how he would love her, but it is not enough time for everything he wants. He also talks about how he could spend much time with her so that he can watch and admire each part of her body. His love is so big, so he says that her refusal would not affect on him because he is diligent in what he wants. In the second stanza he recalls how short human life is, and that we donââ¬â¢t have much time to do all things which we want. He thinks that everyone should enjoy in life, and do everything what they want. If we have opportunity for something we mustnââ¬â¢t miss it, because we could regret later. The last stanza talked about how he urges her to comply, claiming that in loving each other with passion they will make the most of the time they have to live. The second poem ââ¬Å"To his importunate Mistressâ⬠is written by Peter de Vries. Peter de Vries was an American editor and novelist known for his satiric wit. His poem ââ¬Å"To his importunate Mistressâ⬠has two stanzas. On the beginning of the first stanza we can see that the first sentence is the same like in Marvellââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"To his Coy Mistressâ⬠. So we can say that Peter de Vries poem is meant to mock Andrew Marvells To Coy His Mistress. Peterââ¬â¢s poem talked about having a mistress. The author describes a man who has a wife but also he has a mistress. His wife accepts him as it is, because she loved him. The material things are the most important thing in his life and he doesnââ¬â¢t see anything except that. All his time he devoted her mistress and forgets about his wife. He bought her many expensive things, and thoughts that he can with that things attract any woman. But on the end he realized that his wife is the only who was loved him all that time. On the end of this poem we can conclude that his wife beat his mistress and she was able to return to her husband. ââ¬Å"To his coy Mistressâ⬠is a metaphysical poem, which is written in iambic tetrameter. He also used metaphors, irony and in the first part of the poem the speaker appeals to the character, in the second part he expresses his emotions, and in the third part the speaker uses reason. The setting for this story is very important because in this poem we have two layers of setting, the setting which we imagine and setting which speaker imagines. In the second poem the speaker also used symbols, irony and metaphors. Both stories tell about mistress, and the first sentences are same in both poems. So we can say that the Peterââ¬â¢s poem is a parody of Marvellââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"To his Coy Mistressâ⬠. De Vriesââ¬â¢s used the same structure and metaphors like Marvell in his poem. There are a many similarities, but there are also differences. ââ¬Å"To his importunate Mistressâ⬠shows stereotypical characteristics, the most important thing in life is money, while ââ¬Å"To his coy Mistressâ⬠speaks of love and praise. In the first poem the author used carpe diem, which describes the passion of society.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Workplace Observation :: essays research papers
In all the different places I have worked there has always been a dress policy. In the Army we wore BDUââ¬â¢S and I always had to have my hair up. When I started working as a CNA again I had to ware a uniform ââ¬Å"Scrubsâ⬠and there again they liked are hair to be up. I think in every job setting there should be a dress code for one it will distinguish you from everyone else and it lets the employees respect their job. Language had never been a real big problem to have to censor in the jobs that I have had. I think as an adult working in a professional setting you know what to say when you can say and where you can say it. Casual dress, a workplace perk acceptable throughout corporate America, is not altogether as common in other parts of the world. . (Tatiana D. Helenius) Sloppiness in dress not only makes a bad impression, but it may cause others to question business credentials or reliability. . (Tatiana D. Helenius) "In the international arena," said DelVecchio, "the words 'conservative, traditional, and formal' still very much apply. If you are not sure, err on the side of formality. Whether in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, or South America, informality and a careless attitude will scuttle even the most talented executive.â⬠(Tatiana D. Helenius) If it's determined among your group that negotiations will be conducted in English, be considerate by avoiding slang terms such as "in the loop," "push the envelope" and "should I CC you on that?" This advice applies to written communications such as faxes, as well. (Tatiana D. Helenius) In political terms, "conflict" refers to an ongoing state of hostility between two groups of people. (Wikipedia: Verbatim copying.) Conflict as taught for graduate and professional work in conflict resolution commonly has the definition: "when two or more parties, with perceived incompatible goals, seek to undermine each other's goal-seeking capability". One should not confuse the distinction between the presence and absence of conflict with the difference between competition and co-operation. In competitive situations, the two or more parties each have mutually inconsistent goals, so that when either party tries to reach their goal it will undermine the attempts of the other to reach theirs. Therefore, competitive situations will by their nature cause conflict. However, conflict can also occur in cooperative situations, in which two or more parties have consistent goals, because the manner in which one party tries to reach their goal can still undermine the other's attempt.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sectionalism Due to Western Expansion
The Antebellum period from 1800 to 1850 marked a time of sectionalism in American history. Furthermore, new territories gained during western expansion added to this conflict between different sections of America. Southern states wanted new slave territories, while the North wanted to contain the spread of slavery. While Western expansion contributed to growing sectional tensions between the North and South from 1800-1820, sectionalism intensified significantly from 1820-1850. Since the turn of the nineteenth century, Western territorial expansion started to increase a sense of sectionalism throughout America.President Jefferson obtained the Louisiana purchase from Napoleon in 1803, gaining unfamiliar territory West of the Mississippi River. As Lewis and Clark explored the area, others began to populate it, slowly leading to increased tensions between the North and the South. Soon an act was passed stating that territories with a certain number of inhabitants would be added to the un ion as newly developed states. Furthermore, During the Adams-Onis treaty with Spain, Florida was peacefully acquired as a state in America, which also increased tension.Eli Whitneyââ¬â¢s cotton gin, and King Cotton increased the Southââ¬â¢s dependence on slaves to sustain the supply and demand of cotton, while the North favored the containment of slavery; This difference between the territories regarding slavery directly contributed to the sense of sectionalism shared throughout the nation. However the issue of slavery would be postponed due to the War of 1812, and for a while afterwards, Americaââ¬â¢s shared sense of nationalism overpowered their shared sense of sectionalism.Around the time of 1820, Americaââ¬â¢s pride in their victory in the war of 1812 was wearing off, and the balance of nationalism and sectionalism among the nation shifted primarily due to Westward expansion. The Missouri Compromise of 1820, introduced by Henry Clay, allowed for both Maine and Missou ri to be admitted into the union on condition that Missouri became a slave state, as well as banning slavery above the thirty-sixth parallel. Any state admitted into the Union bellow this line would decide the legality of slavery for their new state, by popular sovereignty.This temporarily maintained the balance of slave states and free states in the Union, while increasing sectionalism throughout America. Neither the North or South wanted the other section to have more states favoring their own slavery ideals, in fear of biased representation in the Senate. Furthermore, sectionalism was demonstrated by the fact that congress felt the need to implement ââ¬Å"The Gag ruleâ⬠; This disallowed congress from discussing the issue of slavery for the next thirty years (while only lasting a decade).Though members of the house tried to pass the Wilmot proviso, which would ban slavery in newly acquired Mexican territories, Southerners naturally opposed this. Disagreements over how to dec ide the newly acquired landââ¬â¢s position on slavery, further intensified sectionalism between the North and South. At one point the South even tried to pass the Ostend Manifesto in an attempt to purchase Cuba from Spain, and admit it into the Union as a slave state.Although this effort failed, it strongly represents the intense sectionalism during the time: As an entire portion of the country acted autonomously to secure an additional state to gain power over their Northern neighbors. Finally, the compromise of 1850 was passed, declaring popular sovereignty as the determining factor of the position of slavery among the land gained from Mexico. Moreover, this compromise enforced a fugitive slave law, allowing the South to collect runaway slaves, abolished the slave trade in Washington D. C. , and admitted California as a free state.Although Congress implemented countless compromises to secure the unionization of America, their efforts proved futile, as sectionalism prevailed and the United States grew closer to an inevitable Civil War. Western expansion during the first half of the nineteenth century, along with increased tensions between the North and South due to slavery, directly increased the sense of sectionalism between the two regions. The controversy over controlled land transformed the nationââ¬â¢s intense sense of nationalism into an even more intense sense of sectionalism, leading to a Civil War only fifty years later.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Managing Relationships Essay
Introduction Relationships differ throughout our life from birth. We have friendships which are freely chosen, we have family which establishes the growth of individuals, we have romance which is where we commit and are intimate with someone, we have professional which is on a business level. We all have relationships that stand out in our lives and a couple of them have lasted a lifetime and the others were short but left a memory that will live forever in my paper I will discuss one of the relationships where and how it started and where it still is almost thirty years later. I will also discuss the issues the relationship has been through. I will also discuss ways to manage and improve the relationship. My Relationship The relationship started approximately twenty-six years ago when I was attending middle school. The relationship started off not how the normal friendship starts off this relationship started as rivalry between my brother and my best friends sister which also led to confrontatio n after that took its course me and my best friend started talking and then from there we became a team we spent every day after school together we would giggle, play, plan, and also get into trouble as kids sometimes do. Two years into meeting I had some family problems at home and I it was decided between her parents and mine that it would be a good idea for me to live with my new friend and her family. Today we are closer than sisters talk every day at least twice once in the morning on my way to work and after work on my way home. We also argue and disagree but we always work it out. This is the longest relationship I have had outside of my family but in my eyes she is my family. Attraction and Power The short term attraction began as children as someone to laugh with, to play with, to talk to as little girls do and the closer we became we were growing and learning about ourselves and about each other and we are totally opposite in the ways we live the ways we think and the way handle things but one thing is certain we level each other out. Since we do have different ways of thinking sometimes the power struggle begins and gets ugly and we are both wrong but entitled to the way we feel and it beco mes wrong when we try to make the other do something or feel guilty for what we feel or think or what they do not want to do. The importance of attraction in the relationship is vital for the ones involved to stay interested in the relationship and to pursue continuing it after all we are self-fish humans and if the relationship becomes uninteresting or there is nothing to gain from it either emotionally, physically, or spiritually chances are the relationship will die. Along with power in a relationship there has to be respect and if the power is used negatively eventually one of the people involved will get tired and again the relationship will end. Improvement An area for improvement in this relationship is listening and respecting each otherââ¬â¢s feelings and decisions no matter whether we agree with it or not as it our human right to feel the way we feel and no one no matter who they are has the right to disrespect it. Being open minded will help this matter and acknowledging that our feelings alone are not the only ones that count we must consider everyone involved and how they can be affected and respect the feelings they hold for the situation, which in reality is fair and is vital to maintaining a friend or significant other. Relationship Management Skills Author Daniel Goleman believes it is possible to build better relationships one step at a time. This is accomplished by focusing on six competencies in the Relationship Management domain of Emotional Intelligence. These six competencies are as follows; Inspiration, Influence, Development, Initiate change, Manage conflict, and Establish terms and collaboration. (Goleman, 2009). The two management skills I will use in my strategy to improve this relationship are skills on managing conflict and establishing terms and collaboration. Managing conflict requires the ability to be able to see other perspectives outside of your own And to find a common solution that everyone can agree on and initiate. Managing conflict will help us to be able to not get so upset and hurt where we can still voice our thoughts and opinions respect the difference if we think differently. Managing conflict will also require good listening skills and self-control this will us to hand le difficult and tense situations, see potential conflict before it starts, it will help us to have an open discussion on circumstances, and it will be more of a winning situation. (Goleman, 2009) Team work and collaboration model respect, helpfulness, and cooperation. Both work and home are happier when these conditions are met. When people work well together, turnover and the productivity of the goal ahead increases. It is well known that emotions are contagious and that if one person in a group is unhappy it can make everyone unhappy. To improve my relationship skills I will want my best friend to be able to turn towards me rather than away from me or against me so I will have self-respect and show respect to others, I will try to have communication skills including listening assertiveness, also watching my nonverbal communication (Goleman, 2009) Conclusion We are all human and communication and relationships are an everyday happening we must either communicate in a verbal or non-verbal way we must also listen with an open mind and have respect for all parties involved in order for the relationships we have to work out or to turn into a long term relationship. We cannot abuse power or others feelings they may have and we must respect others choices as a mutual respect or the relationship will not work. Managing conflict and working together will help provide a better foundation for the relationship and help it grow from short term into long term with an understanding of both parties feelings along with the thoughts involved. Meeting people and building a relationship is a process of learning, listening, accepting, identifying, and respecting each other. Relationships can be anything from just casual acquaintances or can be like the one I have with my best friend almost thirty years long and counting. We can go from friendships to intimate relationships as we learn, grow, and love. References Works Cited (2009, July 27). Retrieved May 20, 2013, from The Power of Perceptions: Types of Power in a Relationship. (2013, May 21). Retrieved from Blackett, K., & Weiss, P. (2011, May 1). Safari Books Online. Retrieved May 19, 2013, from Goleman, D. (2009, December 9). 5 Ways To Improve Your Realtionship Management Skills. Retrieved May 25, 2013, from Knuth, R. (2004, November 4). The Negative Uses of Power. Retrieved May 21, 2013, from Webb, M. (2006,
Friday, November 8, 2019
Determinants of Local and State spending
Determinants of Local and State spending Introduction Governments are expanding each day because of the increasing number of functions that they have to carry out. Population growth rate of every country remains relatively high while mortality rates have reduced. As a result, services that people expect from governments are becoming more expensive each day. The numbers of people who depend on several social amenities offered by governments has been increasing over the years.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Determinants of Local and State spending specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, governments have had to change their budgets now and again due to several factors. It is important to note that determinants of public expenditure are vital for any country for they influence the day-to-day activities of the government. Demographic Determinants As states industrialize, demand for different commodities change. People become picky making produ ction of various commodities to be shifted in response to change in demand. It is important to note that this not only affects companies but also governments. Demand for public governments changes as states become industrialized. Therefore, states have to adjust their expenditure accordingly (Raich 28). Federal government expenditure is also influenced by industrialization which shapes the aggregate demand. Similarly, state and local governments cannot produce what its citizens are unable to afford. As the financial ability of people in a country improves, so does their demand (Burkerhead and Jerry 145). However, financial ability of people can only increase if there is economic growth. In this regard, economic growth is very vital in determining governmental expenditure. On the other hand, as a country experiences economic growth, investments increase. This may be public or private investments. It is important to note that investments are diverse in various states and each state wi ll have different needs. Another demographic issue that influences state and local government spending is the age proportion. People in different age groups have different demands. States which have population composed majorly of old people will have different budgets compared to those which have many youths. Notably, as the age composition of a state or local government changes, steps have to be taken to change the budget.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the same note, population growth is very essential in determining government expenditure (Gamkar 79). A large population means that there are many people who need services despite that fact that income of the government increases. Educational institutions have to be expanded when population increases and so should other institutions including hospitals. In a nutshell, increase in population increases d emand for goods and services thus increasing government expenditure. Political Determinants The politics of the day highly influence the kind of expenses that a government can incur. Each government whether democrat or republican makes various pledges to the electorate during their campaigns. The manifestos have in them various new things that the parties promise to fulfill if elected to office (Faulk, Michael and Michael J. 110). Consequently, once in office each government strives to influence the type of expenditure at state and local levels. Moreover, investment projects that are initiated by different governments are relatively different. This means that capital purchases made are highly dependent on political leaders in place. As a result, government demand and expenditure is influenced. Furthermore, there are instances when governments have to incur some expenses because they want to please the electorate. Taking for instance periods approaching elections, the government in p ower will always do everything to ensure that they are elected back to power. As a result, the expenditure of government during this period will be different in different states given that people will explore various ways of pleasing people. Another facet of how politics influences state and local spending is by determining which activity should be done first. It is the role of political leaders to determine which project is to be given priority and which one can wait (Luce and Anita 50). If the project that has been given priority requires massive capital investment then the expenses of the state will be huge. On the contrary, state expenditure will be lower if projects being executed are relatively cheap.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Determinants of Local and State spending specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Economic Determinants Usually, all governments wherever they are in the world will execute projec ts that they can afford. The budget of the government is planned taking into consideration the expected income during the financial year in question. As a result, economic conditions are very crucial in determining state and government expenditure. During recessions and financial crises, government will cut down their expenditure because of the financial difficult. Some projects will have to be stalled to increase government savings. On the same note, money has to be diverted from other projects to cater for more important issues at that time (Rosen 136). The financial crisis of 2009 when money had to be spent to bail out banks is an example. On the other hand, during boom seasons governments can afford to incur various expenses and their expenditure increases. Moreover, tax collection during seasons of economic stability is high. Consequently, state and local governments can easily increase their spending. It is important to note here that peopleââ¬â¢s demand for government comm odities is high during seasons of economic stability and these compels governments to increase their expenditure. Institutional Determinants Institutions are very crucial in any society. They are responsible for various functions in the community which cannot be assumed (Sexton 635). Moreover, institutions organize people and help the government in delivering some services to the community. In this regard, institutions have a substantial influence on what each government will spend on. Institutions that provide supportive services to the community are usually not involved in income generating activities. Therefore, governments offer grants to these institutions to argument their expenses. In states where grants are more, governmental expenses are high. Furthermore, institutions can be a source of income to the state or local government. Various institutions are involved in income generating activities. These institutions pay taxes to the government be it state or local government. T he taxes are vital in enabling the government to offer services to people.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As a result, the higher the numbers of institutions present in a state the higher the expenditure of the state (Macdonald and Daniel 426). On the other hand institutions also deserve some services from the government are their presence in an area increases both state and local expenditure. Institutions are also crucial in not only checking government expenditure but also limiting the budget at various levels. Tax limits that have been instituted in various states limit the extent to which government can go to collect money from people and companies. It should be noted that indirectly, the tax limit curtails the expenditure of the states (Asher and Donald 12). On the same note, there is the limit on state and local expenditures. The line item veto of the governor put a ceiling on state expenditure. As a result, a state where the line item veto is implemented has regulated expenditure. Emerging Issues The world is first changing and so are the demands of people. Technological improvem ent has brought into the picture different factors that were not present there before. For this reason, technological requirements of each state are different and these highly influence the expenditure of each state. On the same note, due to globalization that has lead to immigration, cultural variance has become substantial (Pryor 323). While cultural influence may not be very pronounced as regards state expenditure, they shape peopleââ¬â¢s demand. In this regard, culture is slowly becoming influential in governmental issues. Conclusion State and local expenditure are very crucial in running of day-to-day activities of the government. Notably, public expenditure is very important in spear heading economic growth and development. However, factors that influence expenditure in one state are not necessarily influential in other states. Political dynamics in various states influence what to be purchased or offered to be people in various states. Economical ups and downs are also par t of the crucial determinants of state and local expenditure. Nevertheless, economical issues are different in different regions. Sources of income vary from state to state and amount of income per state is different. Therefore, the wealth of a state or local government is very influential on the expenditure of the government. Moreover, any issue that is capable of affecting state or local government taxation program directly influences government expenditure. In this regard, factors that influence state and local government expenditure are diverse but relatively related. Asher, Herbert B. and Donald S. Van Meter. Determinants of Public Welfare Policies: A Casual Approach. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishers, 1973. Print. Burkhead, Jesse and Jerry Miner. Public Expenditure. Piscataway: Transaction Publishers, 2008. Print. Faulk, Dagney, Michael Hicks and Michael J. Hicks. Local Government Consolidation in the United States. Amherst: Cambria Press, 2011. Print. Gamkhar, Shama. Federal In tergovernmental Grants and The States: Managing Devolution. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002. Print. Luce, Thomas F. and Anita A. Summers. Local Fiscal Issues in the Philadelphia Metropolitan area. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987. Print. McDonald, John F. and Daniel P. McMillen. Urban Economics and Real estate: Theory and Policy. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, 2010. Print. Pryor, Frederic L. The Future of U.S. Capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Print. Raich, Uri. Fiscal Determinants of Empowerment. New York: World Bank Publications, 2005. Print. Rosen, Harvey S. Studies in State and Local Public Finance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. Print. Sexton, Robert L. Exploring Economics. Stanford: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Faculty School Models
Faculty School Models Introduction Accreditation is mainly concerned with the improvement of quality services in institutions by pointing out how shared governance works in relation to the institutionââ¬â¢s structure and functioning. Endorsement of an academic institute by the Commission of Colleges implies that the institution has an appropriate purpose in regards to higher education, and has services, resources and programs to achieve its mission.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Faculty School Models specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, the continuity of an institution is solely dependent on its team of staff and learning facilitates to offer quality education to a generation after the other. Shared governance fully integrates core values and beliefs with the aim of delivering quality education, improving on the educational environment, and producing highly skilled graduates. The sole purpose of this essay is to id entify, which is the best faculty senate model that best fits the community college, and to determine its applicability in its shared governance structure. Apparently, it emerges that shared governance is more prevalent now than it was 30 years ago. This is contrary to conformist belief that faculty roles in shared governance are declining in recent decades (Birnbaum, 2004). Shared governance has instead been widely credited for its effectiveness in achieving laudable goals. In reference to (Tierney Minor, 2003) at least 82% of masters students agreed that shared governance is important in delivering values and identity in an institution. Besides that, shared governance receives an overwhelming support of about ninety six percent from all the three constituent groups. The best minor faculty senate model must in some degree involve the governance in decision making and especially in academic matters to produce significantly praiseworthy results. The best faculty senate model that fi ts the community college is the influential model. It should not only appear convincing, but it should be effective in delivering the set goals and results. Thus, it should not only be a model, but also an effective one such that it will achieve the set target, which had been agreed upon. It should be influential rather than a ceremonial kind of model.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For the community college to achieve an influential senate model, it is necessary to put a lot of effort in this venture. Minor James illustrated that it is very easy for an influential senate model to turn ceremonial even with the best laid intentions. In most cases, the faculty model senates are viewed negatively especially as being obstructing, underperforming and dysfunctional. Senates that are influential, (Minor, 2003) have the following characteristics, they are build on the fou ndations of trust, and have a shared or collaborative relationship with the administrators. For college community to have such kind of faculty senate (Influential) the presidential and administrative authority must not dominate issues, and there should be proper and open communication between faculty and administrators. The college should also have decentralized governance devoid of strong traditions of a leadership characterized with a top-down model. If this is not so, then it might just end up being a ceremonial model. The result would be a discontented faculty. If the faculty does not have the above mentioned elements, then it does not have an influential kind of faculty senate model. The best faculty model in this case, the influential model should be in position to meet more than the obvious needs of the college. Burgan points out that it should be in a place to provide great opportunities for the college stability even in the most volatile situations, provide a room for socia lization, discussion, professional screening, if it dos not produce such listed results, then the institution cannot claim to have an influential kind of faculty senate. A ceremonial model might meet the needs of some of faculty members, but what the community college must work hard to ensure are the needs of almost everyone at the college. In addition, the needs of the institution itself also ought to be met. Truly, what can best achieve this is the influential senate model. The influential model is able to ascertain the reputation and prestige of a college. When the senate is effective, it demonstrates features of an elitist institution and demonstrates willingness to achieve academic excellence and professional standards (Tierney William, 2004). The senate model in question must be in position to contribute to the institutionââ¬â¢s academic mission besides meeting its aspirations.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Faculty School Models specific ally for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, community college should draw a strategy depending on how it might raise its standards in the community, and work towards establishing an influential type of faculty senate. If the senate model is an influential force to reckon with in the college, then this indicates that the college has this type of faculty senate. Conclusion Community colleges and other academic institutions should acknowledge that one single faculty model is not effective; rather the academic institutions should seek to work with multiple models to achieve the set goals for their institution. It is possible to work with multiple models if the institutions remain focused, work with a common agenda, and come to a consensus on the core mission and values. References Birnbaum, R. (2004). The end of shared governance: Looking ahead or lookingà back. Journals of New Directions for Higher Education (127). Burgan, M. (2006). What Ever Happen ed to the Faculty? Drift and Decision in Higherà Education. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press. Minor, J. James, T. (2003). Assessing the senate: Critical issues considered. American Educational Review journal, (26) 1. 264-272. Tierney, William, G. (2004). Improving academic governance: Utilizing a cultural Order. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Main Factors Which Influence Customer Buying Decision Essay
The Main Factors Which Influence Customer Buying Decision - Essay Example A fall in the price of a product will result to an increase in the quantity of a product purchased, however these depends on the price elasticity of a product. If a product is price elastic and this means that the price elasticity of the good is more than one, then the products demand will rise at a greater proportion than the rise in price. If the price elasticity of a product is less than one then the demand for the product will not rise at a greater proportion than the price. 1 The price of substitutes also play a major role in determining the consumers purchasing behaviour, in a situation where a substitute of a product is less expensive, then the consumer will purchase the substitute example margarine and butter are substitutes, if the price of butter goes up then the consumer will purchase margarine. Under the price of a product we will also consider the risk associated with buying a certain product, the more expensive a product is the higher the risk and the higher the consequ ences of making the wrong decision, buyers will also consider the scrap value of and mostly this is associated with vehicle and machinery product, products with very high prices and low scrap value will be less preferred. Another consideration is the price of the complimentary good, if the price of the complementary good is hi... tary good, if the price of the complementary good is high then a consumer will be less likely to purchase the product, a good example is petroleum products and vehicles, if the price of petroleum products is too high then the consumer will less be likely to purchase a vehicle, this can associated with the running cost of the product to be purchased will be high and therefore a rational consumer will not purchase the product with high running cost.2 Future expectations about changes in prices will also influence the buying decisions of consumers, if consumers expect a rise in price in the future for a certain product then they will tend to purchase that good in large quantities to avoid high prices of the product in the future, example if a consumer expects the price level of sugar to rise in the near future then he will purchase the sugar in large quantities today to avoid the future rise in price. Therefore the price of a product is a factor that influences the consumer buying decision, the consumer will purchase goods rationally to optimise on his real income and also maximise his utility, prices of substitute and complementary goods play a role in consumers decision making on what to buy and in what quantity.3 INCOME: Income is also another major factor that influence the buying decisions of consumers, the consumers disposable income play a major role in determining what to buy and in what quantities, however this depends on the income elasticity of a certain product, if the consumers disposable income increases and that the income elasticity of demand for that good is greater than one then the proportional rise in the demand for t hat product is greater than the rise in income levels.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Accounting and Finance will send you fquestions file Essay - 1
Accounting and Finance will send you fquestions file - Essay Example s that both the companies are efficient in utilizing their capital and equity to generate sufficient profits despite the fact that Wimbledon has a higher ratio than Kensington. The Net Profit Margin and Gross Profit ratio of Kensington are higher than that of Wimbledon. To make it worse, the ratios of Wimbledon are below the industry averages (Bull, 2008). The total assets turnover and non-current assets of Wimbledon is higher than that of Kensington. The ratio of Kensington was lower than the industrial averages. This implies that Wimbledon is efficient in utilizing its total assets and non-current assets to generate sufficient revenue. Apart from receivables collection period of Wimbledon being below the industrial averages, it is also below that of Kensington (Tennent, 2008). This shows that Wimbledon is very efficient in collecting its debts. The Inventory holding period follows the same trend as the receivables collection period. This reveals that Wimbledon is efficient in converting its inventory since it holds them for a short period (Berman, Knight and Case, 2013). The current ratio and decisive test ratio of both the two companies are below the industrial averages. This is despite the fact the current ratio of the two companies are above the one implying that both the two companies can at least service their current obligations with their current assets. The debt-equity of Wimbledon is below both that of Kensington and the industrial average implying that it is not heavily geared (Barrow and Barrow, 2008). Considering the above analysis, it is highly advisable that Chelsea Plc. should acquire Wimbledon than Kensington company since it has financial ratios indicate better financial performance. The directors of Chelsea Plc. should consider other information such as cash flow statements and company policy before of the two companies before making their final
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